Putt Forge
This was my third collaborative project (second working with Brodie Griggs) and was the first time I intensively used task organization software like Trello to ease development. This was also the first time I had done any kind of collision system in 3D and I learnt a lot about 3D collision methods.
This project is probably one of my most balanced projects in terms of the graphics to physics programming intensity. I've written a sphere to mesh collision detection and response system as well as implemented depth of field post processing and cascaded shadow mapping. (All of which is covered in devlogs below). I had been wanting to make an application that had 3D physics for quite some time when I started this project, initially I was going to make a pool / snooker game for my semester three passion project. But we were given a game description to follow so I couldn't. So, this project basically quenched my thirst for 3D physics and Brodie was along for the ride.

The main reason I decided to choose a golf game over any other kind of physics-based games was because I had recently spent a lot of time in the game: Tower Unite, and the most prominent feature of this game is the crazy golf minigame. Not to mention, I have extensively played 'Golf with your Friends' and seen people play 'Golf It' and fancied the challenge.
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GitHub Repo - (N/A)
1920x1080 Release Build - (Link)
Trello Roadmap - (Link)
Language languageUsed = C++;
std::string dateCreated = "02/07/19";
bool inDevelopment = false;

Library librariesUsed[] = {
    OpenGL, GLFW, GLEW 

std::string credits[] = {
    "Fergus Griggs - Programming",
    "Brodie Griggs - Modelling"